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A plugin for the serverless framework that resolves deployed AWS services to variables from ESS, RDS, EC2, dynamodb or Kinesis.


  # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/ES.html#describeElasticsearchDomain-property
  ess: ${aws:ess:my_cluster_name:Endpoint}
  # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/RDS.html#describeDBInstances-property
  rds: ${aws:rds:my_db_name:InstanceCreateTime}
  # See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/RDS.html#describeDBClusters-property
  rdsaurora: ${aws:rdsaurora:my_cluster_name:Endpoint}
  kinesis: ${aws:kinesis:my_kinesis_stream:StreamARN}
  dynamodb: ${aws:dynamodb:my_dynamodb_table:LatestStreamArn}
  securityGroup: ${aws:ec2:securityGroup:my_vpc_name-my_group_name:GroupId}
  subnet: ${aws:ec2:subnet:my_subnet_name:SubnetId}
  vpc: ${aws:ec2:vpc:my_vpc_name:VpcId}
  ecs: ${aws:ecs:cache_cluster_name:CacheClusterId}
  cf: ${aws:cf:stack_name`_`logical_resource_id:PhysicalResourceId}
  apigateway: ${aws:apigateway:my_api_name:id}
  apigatewayv2: ${aws:apigatewayv2:my_api_name:ApiId}

Given a service, a key, and a property, this plugin will resolve the variable directly from AWS. This uses the IAM role of the executor of the serverless binary.

This plugin also exposes a command to resolve a variable sls resolveAwsKey --k aws:ess:my_cluster_name:Endpoint

See our webpage for full documentation.

Array access

To access values in arrays (for example the ElastiCache Endpoint in CacheNodes), the variableSyntax of serverless needs to be amended.

  variableSyntax: "\\${([ ~:a-zA-Z0-9._\\'\",\\-\\/\\(\\)\\[\\]]+?)}"

    ECS_ADDRESS: ${aws:ecs:ecs-instance:CacheNodes[0].Endpoint.Address}


This plugin has one available configuration option at the moment.

    strict: true

Disabling strict mode allows values of non-existing infrastructure to be overwritten by other values. This is especially useful when the serverless configuration also contains the CloudFormation template to create this infrastructure. On the first run the value would not be available and would prevent the template from being applied.

Values can be overwritten like this:

    strict: false
  rds: ${aws:rds:my_db_name:InstanceCreateTime, 'not created yet'}

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